Renter’s insurance – peace of mind you need… and can afford!

Miles Jenks

By Julie Rowe 

Did you know that the average renter owns around $30,000 in possessions? Think about what you own—of course there’s your clothes, books, TV, DVD’s—computer—the items you use every day. But what if you have cherished family heirlooms, furniture, pictures, jewelry--valuables you might consider precious, even priceless. No one can predict disaster, but anyone can protect him or herself from financial hardship if it occurs.

Renter’s insurance covers your belongings against loss or damage from a multitude of sources: smoke and fire, lightning strikes, water damage from plumbing, steam or water heating systems, theft and more. Your landlord’s insurance policy does not cover your personal property, nor is it legally required to. It’s designed to protect the building.

You can even customize your renter’s policy to include coverage for identity theft, theft away from your home, and accidental damages or injury to someone else or someone else’s belongings.

And many insurance companies will give customers a slight discount if the customer already has an auto insurance policy with them.

For these reasons and more, increasing numbers of renters are relying on the benefits and peace of mind renter’s insurance offers. Failoni Consultants, as well as most reputable property management companies, now requires it. So, check it out. You might be surprised to learn you can have thorough coverage for around $25 a month or less. Consider it a part of your monthly rental payment. It’s worth it.

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